Rachael’s Story
Adelaide, SA
Rachael studied Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction
Adelaide, Millswood SA
Tabor’s Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction has provided a profound time of being shaped in the art of sacred listening, through interactive teaching, reading, reflection, practicing and shared experience with others.
I have learnt more than just active listening skills; I’ve been reorientated towards a listening life. I can now offer a hospitable space by attending to the presence of God within the sacred stories of another, whilst also listening to God’s movement within the inner workings of my own life. This has certainly been a time of growing in self-knowledge and intimacy with God, which is central to how I can be present to others.
My formation has been deepened by learning more about the practice of prayer and contemplative spirituality within a safe community, where real and honest questions are welcomed. This has grown my confidence and enabled me to become a safe person for others.
The course has been challenging and stretching, but ultimately an affirming, honouring and supportive environment for my own personal and spiritual growth. This has been created through the open, honest, and vulnerable way we have been guided by our teachers and supervisors, who all live this hospitable orientation towards listening.
As a spiritual director I am filled with awe and deep joy to sense the presence and work of God within others, and feel greatly encouraged to continue offering this ministry that has been so formative for me. The GDSD has been a life-giving experience of growth and grace, for which I am very grateful.
See course details for the Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction.

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