
Respect. Now. Always.

The “Respect. Now. Always.” campaign was instigated by Universities Australia in collaboration with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to increase awareness of the issue of sexual assault and sexual harassment at Australian universities.

Launched in February 2016, the campaign focuses on the determination of Australia’s universities to prevent and address sexual assault and harassment across the sector. The campaign is key to raising awareness of the issue of sexual assault and sexual harassment and increase the visibility of student support services. The campaign places a spotlight on student and staff well-being and highlights the support avenues available to prevent and manage incidents.

The “Respect. Now. Always.” campaign was instigated by Universities Australia in collaboration with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to increase awareness of the issue of sexual assault and sexual harassment at Australian universities.

Launched in February 2016, the campaign focuses on the determination of Australia’s universities to prevent and address sexual assault and harassment across the sector. The campaign is key to raising awareness of the issue of sexual assault and sexual harassment and increase the visibility of student support services. The campaign places a spotlight on student and staff well-being and highlights the support avenues available to prevent and manage incidents.

Tabor is committed to a safe, respectful and inclusive culture in which all students and staff are valued. This means we have zero tolerance for sexual assault or sexual harassment and are continually striving to improve our prevention programs and support services. If you, or someone you know, has been affected by an incident of sexual assault or sexual harassment, support is always available.

Sexual harassment can be a single incident or a persistent pattern, and can range from subtle behaviour to explicit demands for sexual activity, including but not limited to the following examples:

  • sexually suggestive comments or jokes
  • staring or leering at a person or at parts of their body
  • unwelcome physical contact such as brushing against or touching a person
  • comments and questions about another person’s sexual conduct and/or private relationships
  • persistent unwelcome invitations
  • requests for sexual favours
  • offensive written, telephone or email communication of a sexual nature
  • displays of sexually specific material
  • accessing sexually explicit internet sites
  • negative behaviours, such as intimidation or exclusions relating to the sex of a person
  • unnecessary close physical proximity including persistently following a person

If you feel you are still at risk or think that others may be at risk:

Call 000 to contact the state Emergency Services (Police, Fire, and Ambulance).

In non-emergency situations, you can also contact the Police on 131 444.

Do you need urgent medical help?

Call for an ambulance – 000

If you do not require emergency treatment, it is best not to call an ambulance.

You may decide to go to Yarrow Place Assault Service in Adelaide or go to your local Accident and Emergency by taxi or Uber.

Click here for information on further crisis services and resources options.

Deciding what to do next

Tabor takes all allegations of sexual assault and sexual harassment seriously and has specific responsibilities when dealing with allegations made against our students and staff. We can and do investigate these reports. This can mean taking the appropriate action in conjunction with the Police, professional bodies or other government agencies.

If you wish to disclose or report an incident to Tabor, we encourage you to do so either by filling out our online report form here, or by making contact with one of our staff in Student Services, any Faculty Dean, the HR Manager or your Faculty Administrator.

You can report an incident to the police at any time by calling 000 in an emergency or 131 444 (non-emergency). Police are well trained to provide assistance and advice to people who have been sexually assaulted and there is a range of reporting options available to you.

If you are apprehensive about involving police, you are encouraged to make contact with Yarrow Place Assault Service in Adelaide where you will be provided with information and choices about accessing medical and counselling services.

For immediate support

Call 1800 737 732 (1800RESPECT) – National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. This line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to support people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse.

Support at Tabor

In Adelaide, assistance is available at the Life Design Counselling Centre. Life Design is located at 181 Goodwood Rd, MILLSWOOD SA 5034 and can be contacted by telephone: (08) 8373 8707 during office hours.

You can also email our Student Success and Support Coach Adam Klimkiewicz.

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Respect. Now. Always.

Highlighting the issue of sexual assault and sexual harassment...


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