Our People
Robyn Dunbar
About Robyn
Meet Robyn, a passionate educator who believes that the best learning involves participation, activity, interaction, collaboration, engagement, stories, games, songs, and fun! Her love for what she does at Tabor shines through in her commitment to preparing Primary preservice teachers.
In Robyn’s classes, you’ll experience her enthusiasm for excellence in education. She is dedicated to creating a motivating and inspiring learning environment, particularly in the realms of English and Literacy. Robyn’s greatest desire is to support, facilitate, guide, and challenge preservice teachers to flourish and become the best educators they can be. Join Robyn on the journey of educational excellence at Tabor!
Subjects Taught
- English Literacy
- Primary English
- Reading and Writing Foundations
- Children’s Literature
- Junior Primary Education
Recent Publications
Ben, F., Price, T., Morrison, C., Warren, V., Gollan, W., Dunbar, R., Davies, F. & Sorrell, M. (2016). Overall student satisfaction at Tabor School of Education: an examination of key factors based on the AUSSE SEQ. In Proceedings of ICEPSS 2016: 18th International Conference on Education, Policy and Social Sciences. Osaka, Japan, 10-11 October 2016.
Dunbar, R. (2013). The Journey: The Investigator College Story 1982-2012 (1st ed). Goolwa, SA: Investigator College
- Completing a Master of Education (MEd) degree
- Bachelor of Education (Upper Primary/Lower Secondary)
- Diploma in School Marketing
- Literacy & Numeracy Coordinator
- Lecturer
- With 30 years in education, Robyn also directed a creative digital media company and ran her own print/graphic design business.
- Faith, family, and friends are the cornerstones of Robyn’s life.
- Grandchildren are her great delight.
- Enjoys reading, especially children’s books and novels, graphic design, and photography.
You can contact Robyn on
1300 482 267
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