Diploma of Applied Social Science

Undergraduate Course
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Professional Outcomes

The Diploma of Applied Social Science prepares graduates for entry level roles in various community services and community development contexts which may include roles such as support worker, mentor, and project and/or group assistant.

The Diploma of Applied Social Sciences is the perfect fast-tracked qualification to equip you with the competencies to become a chaplain. More information here.

Successful completion of the Diploma guarantees entry into the Bachelor of Counselling or Bachelor of Youth Work.

About This Course

The Diploma of Applied Social Science introduces you to the areas of social science and counselling or youth work. It will provide you with the fundamentals of social analysis and insights into human development and behaviour. It will orientate you to some research methodologies and social policies. This course is offered fully online unless you choose the Counselling Skills specialisation unit which needs to be done on campus.

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Course Learning Outcomes

Graduates will have a broad and coherent theoretical and technical knowledge of youth work practice and youth issues from multiple disciplines.  This includes sociological and psychological academic disciplines, as well as spiritual traditions, cultural humility, ethical issues and community services perspectives on contemporary and persistent youth issues, practice modalities, sector dynamics, social policy, self-care and professional ethics.

Graduates will have well developed cognitive, technical and communications skills to select and apply methods and technologies to:  

  • Evaluate knowledge of personal, social and political dimensions of complex issues relating to youth and young people within diverse cultural contexts for the benefit of young people.  
  • Independently create, transmit and critique solutions to assist young people, youth services and other youth and community stakeholders in relation to complex and unpredictable youth issues and youth work practice.  
  • Critically synthesise interpersonal, social, spiritual, cultural, ethical and global perspectives on youth, young people, youth work practice as well as relevant policy and procedures. 
  • Creatively communicate knowledge, skills and ideas about young people, youth services and the social context to relevant parties in a clear and coherent manner appropriate to both the professional and informal environments of the youth sector. 

Graduates will be able to: 

  • Reflexively apply theoretical and technical youth work knowledge and skills for the benefit of young people to independently address routine and emerging problems relating to young peoples’ social needs and opportunities in diverse contexts. 
  • Demonstrate informed ethical judgement and autonomy on issues relating to young people and offer advice within broad legal and policy parameters. 
  • Employ self-reflective and reflexive practices, in collaboration with others, regarding professional practice and self-care. 
  • Reflexively evaluate programs and interventions, in the context of emerging scholarship, to identify and action professional development and service improvement.
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Related Courses

Undergraduate Certificate in Counselling

Undergraduate Certificate

The Undergraduate Certificate in Counselling introduces students to foundational counselling concepts and skills and how these are used in counselling practice and guides them through the challenges of interpersonal communication.
More Information

Bachelor of Youth Work

Undergraduate Course

Young people are actively involved in shaping our world. So, what will this world look like for all of us in the future? How will life be better for citizens of the next century? The Tabor Bachelor of Youth Work is developed around a central, optimistic ideology – that young people enrich society. Such enrichment requires unity and collaboration. Human experience is fundamentally relational and Tabor believes that any society is made better by the presence of multiple voices.
More Information

Bachelor of Counselling

Undergraduate Course

For more than 30 years, Tabor has been teaching students what it means to listen. And we mean really listen – without agenda, prejudices or judgment. Counselling another human through a challenging time in their life can be truly transformational for the individuals involved.
More Information

Course Structure


Unit Total






Where can I study?

You can study on campus at Adelaide – Millswood SA, or partially online with online plus.

Field education placement is a requirement of this course and is offered at:

Adelaide – Millswood SA

How long does it take?

1 year full-time or part-time equivalent.

What do I need for entry?

Completion of ‘Tabor Early Entry’ criteria (NOT dependent on ATAR)
Completion of Certificate IV or above
Qualify for mature age entry

How much does it cost?

Learn more about
fees and available payment options.

When can I start?

Semester 1 – February
Semester 2 – July

Additional Information


Tabor: SS514S
SATAC: Not applicable

Undergraduate Course

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Email: enquiry@tabor.edu.au
Phone: 1300 482 267