Our PeopleCreative Writing and CommunicationAssociate Professor Tracey PriceDean of the Faculty of EducationDean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDr Peter CourtLECTURER Creative Writing and communicationSam SmithDeputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesHead of CounsellingMichele SymonsFaculty Administration ManagerDr James CooperProgram Coordinator, Creative Writing and CommunicationJacquie BromilowFACULTY ADMINISTRATOR PATHWAYSDr Tracey PriceDean of the Faculty of EducationDean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesSam SmithDeputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesHead of CounsellingDr James CooperProgram Coordinator, Creative Writing and CommunicationDr Peter CourtLECTURER Creative Writing and communicationMichele SymonsFaculty Administration ManagerJacquie BromilowFACULTY ADMINISTRATOR PATHWAYSExplore Our Team Across Tabor