Diploma of Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care

Undergraduate Course
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Professional Outcomes

The Diploma in Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care introduces students to foundational chaplaincy concepts and how these operate in concrete chaplaincy contexts. It encourages students to reflect on their practice as pastoral carers as well as equips them with the knowledge and skills to engage people struggling with mental health issues and refer them to appropriate human services. Furthermore, the diploma allows the students to engage in reflection both on the biblical narrative and on the contemporary surge in interest in spirituality and spiritual care. Finally, it has space for a practical internship in a chaplaincy context in which the student would like to work.

The Diploma is targeted at those who are wanting to become a chaplain both in the public school sector and in other public and religious contexts (e.g. hospitals, prisons, aged-care facilities). It is for those who are after a deeper, formative engagement with the Christian and spiritual side of chaplaincy. The Diploma addresses the needs of those people who want to or already are working in chaplaincy contexts and would like to grow their knowledge and skills to more effectively engage their particular situations to help others and address various issues. Graduates of this Diploma can continue on to a Bachelor of Ministry.

About This Course

The Diploma of Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care introduces students to foundational chaplaincy concepts and how these operate in concrete chaplaincy contexts. It encourages students to reflect on their practice as pastoral carers as well as equips them with the knowledge and skills to engage people struggling with mental health issues and refer them to appropriate human services. Furthermore, the Diploma allows the students to engage in reflection both on the biblical narrative and on the contemporary surge in interest in spirituality and spiritual care. Finally, it has space for a practical internship in a chaplaincy context in which the student would like to work.

The Diploma addresses the needs of those people who want to or already are working in chaplaincy contexts and would like to grow their knowledge and skills to more effectively engage their particular situations to help others and address various issues.

Graduates of this Diploma can continue on to a Bachelor of Ministry.

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Course Learning Outcomes


  • Graduates of a Diploma will have technical and theoretical knowledge in a specific area or a broad field of work and learning 


Graduates of a Diploma will have: 

  • a broad cognitive and communication skills to identify, analyse, synthesise and act on information from a range of sources 
  • cognitive, technical and communication skills to analyse, plan, design and evaluate approaches to unpredictable problems and/or management requirements 
  • specialist technical and creative skills to express ideas and perspectives  
  • communication skills to transfer knowledge and specialised skills to others and demonstrate understanding of knowledge 

Application of knowledge and skills 

Graduates of a Diploma will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills: 

  • with depth in some areas of specialisation, in known or changing contexts 
  • to transfer and apply theoretical concepts and/or technical and/or creative skills in a range of situations 
  • with personal responsibility and autonomy in performing complex technical operations with responsibility for own outputs in relation to broad parameters for quantity and quality 
  • with initiative and judgement to organise the work of self and others and plan, coordinate and evaluate the work of teams within broad but generally well-defined parameters


Personhood is short for spirituality and personhood. In seeking to educate the whole person it recognises that learning is not only about knowledge and skills, but also the realm of affect and character. So spirituality and personhood attends to holistic learning in aspects such as: discipleship, spiritual vitality and practices; self and identity, affect, suffering, wounds, desires; meaning, hope, vocation, giftedness; character and dispositions; mental, emotional, physical, social wellbeing; and the journey to becoming fully alive and deeply human.

Upon completion of the Diploma of Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care, graduates will be able to:

  • Explain foundational principles, concepts, and characteristics of chaplaincy and spiritual care
  • Explain a biblical and theological framework for their vocation as a chaplain or spiritual carer
  • Respond appropriately to ethical issues that pertain to chaplaincy and spiritual care, drawing on knowledge of ethical principles and frameworks
  • Identify mental health issues and possible referral and treatment options, utilising a holistic, evidence-based framework
  • Examine the nature of spirituality and its significance for holistic care through engagement with contemporary scholarship
  • Address spiritual and pastoral issues in a chaplaincy or spiritual care context through reflective practice and the utilisation of relevant strategies and well-developed communication skills
  • Reflect on their vocational identity as a chaplain or spiritual carer
  • Describe how their engagement with biblical and spiritual practices intersects with their personal formation
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Course Structure


Unit Total







Electives may be drawn from the list of electives provided below or, with the approval of the Head of Ministry and Theology, from any Tabor bachelor award where this assists students to achieve personal and/or vocational goals, providing the following conditions have been meet: i) units enable the student to meet the LOs of the DipCSC; ii) prerequisites have been met; and, iii) the relevant course coordinator approves.

Options vary and are subject to availability.

Where can I study?

You can study on campus at Adelaide – Millswood SA, or fully online.

How long does it take?

1 year full-time or part-time equivalent.

What do I need for entry?

Completion of ‘Tabor Early Entry’ criteria (NOT dependent on ATAR)
Qualify for mature age entry

How much does it cost?

Learn more about
fees and available payment options.

When can I start?

Semester 1 – February
Semester 2 – July

Additional Information

Tabor: M_DCSC
SATAC: Not applicable

Undergraduate Course

Faculty of Ministry Practice
Email: enquiry@tabor.edu.au
Phone:1300 482 267