Bachelor of Theology

Undergraduate Course
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Professional Outcomes

Graduates may find employment in local churches as congregational pastors with responsibility for preaching, teaching and leadership. Please speak to the course co-ordinator to discuss pathway options in preparation for application for ordination with your chosen denominational body. The degree also provides an ideal basis for post graduate study in the field of Theology, which may lead to employment within Australian Christian tertiary education institutions.

About This Course

The primary goal of Tabor’s Bachelor of Theology course is to develop graduates who are creative theological thinkers, and nurture in them an ability to draw critically on the biblical witness and traditions of the church.

Throughout the course, students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the Christian Scriptures, Christian theology and the history of the church. Students are also given an opportunity to deepen their knowledge in a specialised field by taking an eight unit major in biblical studies, theology studies or ministry.

The degree offers an intentional opportunity for personal growth and development through our unique program of formation. This strand of the course encourages students to see their studies as not only a time of academic challenge, but also a period of ongoing spiritual enrichment.

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Course Learning Outcomes


Graduates will have: 

  • A broad and coherent knowledge of Christian faith, with depth in the underlying principles and concepts of biblical and theological studies as a basis for independent lifelong learning 


Graduates will be able to: 

  • Interpret theological and biblical texts critically and faithfully, and analyse, consolidate and synthesise the interpretations of others 
  • Exercise independent critical thinking, reflection and judgement in engaging contemporary issues and contexts in the light of a broad understanding of the Bible, theology and self  
  • Utilise communication skills to present a clear, coherent, and independent exposition of biblical and theological knowledge and ideas in diverse contexts 
  • Employ cognitive, technical and creative theological reflection skills to identify and appropriately address contemporary issues and problems 


Application of Knowledge and Skills 


Graduates will be able to demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills: 

  • With initiative and judgment in planning, problem solving, and decision making in the practice of biblical and theological studies  
  • To adapt biblical and theological knowledge and methodologies in diverse contexts 
  • With responsibility, initiative and accountability for their learning and scholarship and in collaboration with others within various Christian traditions 
  • Engage in ethical and informed theological reflection in a variety of contexts in a pastorally sensitive manner 



Graduates will be able to: 

  • Examine their own spiritual, theological and ministerial formation and integration, and identify possible vocational directions 
  • Explain the relevance and influence of personal and cultural considerations on biblical interpretation, theological method and ministry praxis 
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Course Structure


Unit Totals







Students can choose 4 electives and specialise in the following areas:

Christian Studies

  • MTO243.5 Christian Spirituality
  • MTW259.7 Denomination History and Polity
  • MTG210.7 Engaging the Biblical Languages
  • MTG200.7 Interpreting the New Testament
  • MTG201.7 Interpreting the Old Testament
  • MTG120.5 Story of the Church

Ministry Practice

  • HSC200.5 Counselling Skills
  • EDU211.7 Ethical Understandings (Tabor Core)
  • MTO141.5 Internship A / MTO240.5 Internship B
  • MTW250.5 Pastoral Health and Care
  • MTW251.7 Pastoral Care in Context
  • HSS100.5 Professional Communication Skills
  • MTR290.7 Theological Reflection

Contextual Studies

  • MTR190.5 Developing Cultural Intelligence
  • MTW161.5 Global Trends & Development
  • MTW160.5 Intercultural Life & Work
  • MTW162.5 Intercultural Communication
  • HSS103.5 Introduction to Sociology
  • SS5103 Working with Aboriginal Australians and Diaspora Communities

Creative Arts

  • MTW256.7 Worship


  • HSM131.7 Music Education
  • HSM232.7 Music Theatre Skills
  • HSM112.5 World Music and Early European Music Genres
  • HSM101.5 Foundations of Performance

Creative Writing

  • HSW100.5 Storytelling Essentials
  • CW5002 Real Life Writing & Publications
  • HSW110.5 Media Culture and Meaning
  • CW5004 Creative Writing A: Powerful Poetry
  • CW5005 Creative Writing B: Working Fictions
  • CW5011 Communication for Online & Digital Media

Children, Youth and Families

  • ED5421 Beginning Teaching – Primary Pedagogy Theory
  • ED5422 Beginning Teaching – Primary Pedagogy Practice
  • MTW528.7 Ministry with Children, Youth and Families
  • YW5201 Theory and Practice of Youth Work
  • HSY200.7 Theories of Youth

Spiritual Direction

  • MTW280.5 Exploring Spiritual Direction (12cps)
  • MTW281.5 Deepening Spiritual Direction (12cps)


Options vary and are subject to availability.

Where can I study?

You can study on campus at Adelaide – Millswood SA, or fully online.


How much does it cost?

Learn more about
fees and available payment options.


There are no pre-requisites for entry into this course. There may be pre-requisites within the course for specific elective units. Further details can be found in the unit outlines.  

Application Process:

Applications may be accepted up to two weeks after the semester begins.

Click here to access the current Academic Calendar.

What do I need for entry?

Qualify for mature age entry

How long does it take?

3 years (36 months) full-time or part-time equivalent.


When can I start?

Semester 1 – February
Semester 2 – July

Assumed Knowledge:


Additional Information


Diploma in Theology after 1 year full-time or part-time equivalent.

Tabor: TM714T
SATAC: 5A0408

Undergraduate Course

Faculty of Ministry Practice
Phone:1300 482 267

This qualification is TEQSA accredited and is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework